Miss Inez Moon
For quite a number of years it had been a dream of Miss Inez Moon to establish a library in the Village of Central Square. In 1933 she found that the upright part of the Mary E. Munsell Home (Owned by her daughter Josephine Rogers) could be rented for $8 a month. There was no plumbing and no heat. It was taken and a meeting was called for October 30, 1933 at the fire house to elect trustees. There were so few people present that it was adjourned for November 10, 1933. November 10th had even a smaller turnout so Miss Moon selected the first group of trustees. Those who agreed were; George H. Devitt, Mrs. Fred Ure, Mrs. Lottie J. Conterman, Leonard Lastine (Treasurer), Mrs. Clarence C. Gleason (Vice President), Paul J. Fuller (Secretary) and Inez Moon (President). Miss Moon was elected Librarian and served until her death on September 8, 1943. The Library opened December 13, 1933. The money to pay expenses, books and furnishings were all donated from within the community. The first library card was issued to Ray Brown. Arthur Watson checked out the first book and Betty Coville Yates was the first person to use the reference resources. In 1934 the Village of Central Square promised to give the library $50 a year, everything else was raised by volunteers or donated to keep the dream of a library alive and growing. The provisional Charter was received on April 14, 1933 and the absolute charter on April 22, 1949. In the Spring of 1940 the Library Association was organized by Mrs. Ray Sheldon. On November 22, 1940 the library purchased the library building (house, lot and barn) for $875.00.

Mrs. Ada Powell Smith
Following the death of Miss Moon in 1943, another prominent woman in the history of the library entered the scene, Mrs. Ada Powell Smith.  She became chairperson of the membership drive which helped to increase the building fund also. Thanks to her much of the money was raised to build the current brick building that the library is housed in today.

Abigail Snow
On April 17, 1955 there was an Open house held to celebrate the opening of the current library we all know today. Abigail Snow was the librarian for many years.

Mondays and Thursdays: 10am-6pm Tuesdays and Wednesdays: 10am-4pm                 Fridays: 10am-5pm Saturdays: 10am-2pm Closed Sundays and all US Federal Holidays

637 S. Main Street
Central Square, New York 13036

Mrs. Cindy Patrick


The Central Square Library is a Fine Free Library as of January 2022. However, replacement costs for lost and/or damaged items still apply.




The Central Square Library's Mission Statement is as follows, "The Central Square Library’s mission is to provide free and open access to a broad range of materials and services to people of all ages and backgrounds so as to encourage lifelong learning in a welcoming and supportive environment."  

Please visit the Library's Website and Facebook pages to discover programs, events, available materials and more!